When you owe someone a larger or smaller amount that you are unable to pay, they have a claim against you.
If the process of judicial debt collection is completed without you being able to pay, the people you owe money to, i.e. the creditor, can apply to establish security in your home for this claim. This is called an attachment lien, and is done through the bailiff (politiet.no).
In the worst case scenario, your home may have to be sold in a forced sale (domstol.no) so that you lose it. A forced sale will usually result in a lower price than if you sell the property voluntarily, and you should therefore avoid a forced sale.
You will be informed of the attachment when the bailiff or bailiff sends you "notification of completed attachment proceedings". An attachment is then registered in the public property register known as the land register.
It is very important to avoid attachments in the first place, and then have them deleted if they are registered.
Please feel free to contact us at Kraft Bank if you need help with enforced attachments. We would like to help you get your finances in order.
This article is part of the category Economic first aid , a collection of articles that deal with topics related to a strained economic situation, such as reminders and collection, payment notices, garnishments and forced sales. Read more about Financial first aid