About Kraft Bank

We help private individuals who are struggling with a difficult economy by offering refinancing of loans secured by housing and giving good advice on the way forward towards a healthy economy. For those of you who already have good finances, we also offer savings products.

Kraft Bank helps people with financial problems in a proper way.

For us, it is important that we know the customer, and that they know us. We provide a personal, solution-oriented follow-up that makes them feel that they are really being helped. 

Kraft Bank started its operations in May 2018, after having fully subscribed to an issue of NOK 300 million. Today we have over 30 employees, all of whom are happy to be able to offer a better everyday life to a growing number of customers. 

Refinancing with security in housing.

We primarily offer refinancing to customers with complicated or difficult finances, and emphasize that this is done properly.

Loans are mainly granted against mortgages on housing and other asset values. At a price that provides a reasonable ratio between risk and return.

Kraft Bank also offers very good savings products.

It should pay to save - especially in Kraft Bank. As a customer with us, regardless of whether you are saving or need help with refinancing, you should be left with one very real feeling: Your situation should have improved - significantly.

Kraft Bank uses loan agents as a sales channel, but also accepts customers directly. Contact us .


Kraft Bank has established a team with considerable banking expertise both in management, systems and, not least, consultancy.

Svein Ivar Førland

Adm. Director

Ole Jacob Olsnes


Sylvi Maldal

Director Business Development and Support

Sune Svela Madland

Director customer and market

Do you need help getting your finances in order?

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